Filtering Reports
At the top of all reports, filtering options will display.
Filtering options include:
Date Filters - to apply date filters adjust the date range and click the button "Apply Date Filter".
Additional Dropdown Filters - all reports have a different set of dropdown filters available. To apply the dropdown filters, click the green 'tick' icon. You can also add multiple dropdown filters by clicking on the '+' icon.
Download Reports
A report that has download functions available will have the icon
in the top header of the report.
Click the icon and proceed to download the report as a csv. file.
Edit Report Settings
Reports that display in a table results format will have the ability to add additional columns for display. Click on the "Edit Report Settings" button in the top menu and proceed to select the columns you wish to add to the report and save.
'Save As' Report
All reports that display in a table result can be saved as a new standard report with any adjustments to filters or report settings (columns) applied automatically. This will help you quickly access new reports that you can define with your own parameters. In addition, you will be able to save these reports into our existing reporting categories or create your own new category.
Click "Save Report" in the top report header
Add the 'Report Name'
Select or add a new report category
Add the 'Report Description'