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Home > Reporting > CORE Reports Overview
CORE Reports Overview
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Reports are used for both short-term and long-term performance analysis. It also specifies the performance metrics and can provide a readable, tabular format of performance measurement data for our clients.


In this article, we will be showing the different types of reports within the categories that we have on the Core System.

We will also show some features we can use within the Reports Tab and how to use it. 


How to 'Favourite' a Report: 

Simply find the reports you will frequently use by clicking on the gold star on the left of the report name and it will be favorited and pulled to the top of the reports list for fast access.

  1. Go to the Reports Tab in the Home Dashboard




  1. Select the Star Icon beside the desired report




  1. View the report at the top of the reports list for quick access


Creating a Custom Report

  1. Open a report

  2. Select Save Report


  1. Name the new report

  2. Select a Category

  3. Put in a Description

  4. Toggle Restricted Report on/off 


  1. Go to Reports > Financial and scroll down to find your custom report


Filtering Reports

At the top of many reports, filtering options will display. 

Filtering options:

  • Date Filters - to apply date filters adjust the date range and click the button "Apply Date Filter".

  • Additional Dropdown Filters - all reports have a different set of dropdown filters available. To apply the dropdown filters, click the green 'tick' icon. You can also add multiple dropdown filters by clicking on the '+' icon.



Downloading  Reports

  1. A report that has downloadable functions available will have the icon Screenshot_2018-08-23_12.25.34.png in the top header of the report.

  2. Click the icon and proceed to download the report as a csv. File.





Clients & Attendance

  • Clients Absent

  • New Clients

  • Client Check-in

  • No Shows

  • Birthday report

  • Late Cancels

  • Attendance Summary

  • Lost Clients

  • First Visits

  • Member Movement



  • Intro Offer Conversations




  • Net Revenue Detail

  • Projected Revenue

  • Membership Details

  • Failed Payments

  • Suspended Memberships

  • Outstanding Payment Requests

  • In Processing Transactions

  • Session Credits Remaining

  • Cancellation Report

  • Clients on Membership

  • Memberships Expiring



  • Payroll



  • Current Inventory




  • Session Feedback Report

    • Displays report that lists all of the session feedback.

    • The maximum date range for this report is 1 year.

    • When generating a filtered report, make sure to click the green check.    

    • Session feedback can only be generated if it is enabled on the specific session/scheduled and if the proper configurations have been set on the session feedback settings on the edit profile page


Filter Options:


First Name

Last Name




Session Template


By default, only the Session Name, Email, Session Date, and Full Name fields are displayed when running the report. Select Edit Report Setting, in the upper right-hand corner, and check all the information you want to be displayed.




Edit Report Settings Options:



Report Snapshot:



All Clients Report

  • A detailed list of all clients on your account.

  • Use it when you want to generate a report about your members’ Join Date.

  • Basically, this is a report where you can see all of your clients and their necessary details, whether they are active or already alumni depending on the filters that you are trying to use. Additionally, you’ll also be able to run this report if you want to see the Join Date of each and every single one of your clients by selecting the Join date on Edit Report Settings.


Filter Options:


First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status 


Edit Report Settings Options:


Birthday Reports

  • Displays list of client birthdays this month with month filters.

  • This report provides the Birthday details of a client, so if the client plans to send out a birthday greeting to a specific member, they can use this report to filter the result for the member’s birthday month.


Filter Options:


First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status 


Edit Report Settings Options:


Client Log in Count 

  • Counts all active client's login count in the last 30 days

  • This report shows the number of times each client successfully logged in to the GYM/Club whether they have attended a class or a scheduled session or just plainly went to the Club/Gym to work out.


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status 


Edit Report Settings Options:

Clients Absent

  • Lists all clients that have not attended any session in the filtered date range

  • basically, this report shows the dates when the clients last time went to the Gym or booked a session and attended it.

  • clients should have booked and attended at least a single session previously before the selected date range to be displayed in the client Absent report.


Filter Options:


First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status 

Package name

Future Sessions Booked

Last Attendance Date


Active Credits

Edit Report Settings Options:


Report Snapshot:


Unpaid Sessions

  • List of all clients who have had unpaid sessions in the past

  • This report shows if the specific client/member has an unpaid class/session, including the name of the session, date, and time.


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status


Edit Report Settings Options:


Report Snapshot:


Cancelled Classes

  • Displays all classes canceled and the clients who were booked

  • This report shows the classes that have been canceled by the Club including the clients/members that are booked on the class/session.

  • Useful when a studio wants to re-create a class that they have accidentally canceled.


Filter Options:


First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status 


Edit Report Settings Options:


Late Cancels 

  • Displays all the clients who have late canceled.

  • This report shows the specific list of clients/members who did a late cancellation on a specific class/schedule including the time and date of the cancellation done by the members/clients


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status


Edit Report Settings Options:



Lost Clients 

  • Displays all the clients whose status has changed from active to alumni.
  • This report extracts the data of clients' status from active to alumni including the exact date when the client status changed. You can use the date filter to specifically output the lost client on a specific month. So this can also be used to see how many clients has the club lost during a specific month depending on the date filters that are being used.


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status

Edit Report Settings Options:



New Clients 

  • Displays a list of all the new clients added to your account
  • This report shows the new clients that the club has acquired on a specific date including the initial package/membership that they have purchased and used.

  • Using the filter “Attendance is unknown”, gives you a list of clients who have not booked in but have been added to core. The downside of using this report is, it takes some time to load as you expand the date range it will pull a lot of data. To work properly the recommended date range is 1 month 


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status

Package Name

First Payment Date


Booked Sessions

Future Booked Sessions


Edit Report Settings Options:


Member Movements 

  • List of all credit changes over a filtered date range

  • The report shows the movement of a member’s membership status whether it's Cancelled/ Renewed/ Or currently inactive(if no active membership) depending on the filtered date that was applied. 

Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status

Movement Type



Previous Member


NOTE: If a member is tagged as Inactive or Renewal, please refer to the below description.


Inactive = lost members that did have credits in a filtered date range, but the credits expired or were fully used during the period, 

Renewal = members who had new credits issued in the filtered date range and they previously had credits available at some point on their account. 


For further details regarding the Member Movement Reports please refer to the PD link indicated below:

First Visit

  • Displays a list of clients who have attended their first sessions between the filtered date ranges.

Note: This is going to output the dates where the client attended the booking they have made.


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status

Package Name

First Session Name


Edit Report Settings Options:


Report Snapshot:



Daily Schedule 

    • Summary of all sessions, classes, and workshops for the selected date.

    • This report shows the day-to-day scheduled session on the calendar depending on the date range filter you have chosen. 

    • The report also shows the specific details of a session which includes the session name, session time, session duration, session type, name of the instructor, session size, the number of attendees, the names of attendees, number of no-show clients, and the number of clients that late canceled. 

    • A maximum of 7 days can be selected as a date range.

Filter Options:

No filters available


Report Snapshot:

No Show 

  • Displays all the clients who RSVP'd but did not attend the session

  • Shows the list of clients who are booked but did not attend the scheduled/class on the indicated date filter. 

  • Shows the complete name of the client, email address, and the specific event date.


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status


Edit Report Settings Options:


Report Snapshot:


Recent Attendees 

  • Counts the number of clients that have attended at least 1 session in the last 15 days

  • Shows the list of clients’ total attendance count from their booked sessions depending on the date filter inputted. The report also shows the total number of booked sessions that the client was not able to attend.


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status


Edit Report Settings Options:

Report Snapshot:





  • This report displays all the referrals for each member in detail over a filtered date range

  • Shows the complete name of the referee, email address, phone number, and the total number of referrals the referee made within the date range selected.


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status

Report Type


Edit Report Settings Options:


Report Snapshot:


Attendance by Session Type 

  • Display attendance summary is broken down by session type for the last 6 months



Attendance Summary 

  • Overview of attendance records by day, week, and month



Client Lifetime 

  • The lifetime of all clients as an active client

  • Tick the Join Date in Edit Report Setting in order to display the number of days the client has been active.


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status


Edit Report Settings Options:


Report Snapshot:




Client Retention Rate

  • Displays the retention rate of clients in the last 6 months





Gender and Age Group 

  • Displays the category breakdown of client's gender and age groups



Check in Report 

  • Displays all clients who have checked into the facility

  • Shows detailed check-in information of a client during the filtered date indicated on the date filter, the report also shows the exact time and event name/session the client has checked in to or attended. 

  • Can also be used to track or filter the sessions with a specific trainer/instructor by clicking on Edit Report Settings and then check the box for the instructor.

  • Can be used to track the attendance count of clients/members within a period by setting the report type to Summary by Client 

  • You can also track the clients that checked in using class pass by selecting ticking on the package name and Revenue/Credits on the Edit Report Settings


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status

General Check-In Only

Package Name

Report Type


Report Snapshot:


Attendance by Session 

  • Attendance and utilisation by session name

  • This report shows the total number of attendance of all listed sessions/schedules on an indicated date range filter. The report includes the total number of attendance, late cancellations, and no-shows of the selected session/schedule. 


Filter Options:

No filters available


Report Snapshot:



All Alumni 

  • Displays all alumni clients and their primary information


All Leads

  • Displays all leads and their primary information

  • Shows all the potential clients with their corresponding First and Last names, Email Addresses, Contact/Phone number, Gender, Lead Status, and Lead Date.

  • You can also see the Prospect status, and Days as a Prospect of a lead by selecting it in Edit Report Settings. (Currently Not Working)

  • Due to the fact that the All Leads report is being sunsetted on the V2 version of CORE the current problem with the Edit Report Settings of this report is going to be left as it is at the moment.



Intro Offer Conversions 

  • Summary of all intro offer conversions information

  • This report shows the list of clients that bought an intro offer and members that bought a membership after buying an intro offer, it also shows the details of the intro offer bought as well as the membership that was bought after the intro offer.


Days to Sign Up 

  • Displays days to sign up of all active clients converted from a lead


Lead Sources 

  • Summary graph displaying the count of leads from all lead sources




Average Transaction per Client 

  • Displays a list of all clients and their average transaction value (total billed / # of transactions).

  • This report can be used when a business is looking for the average transaction of specific clients/members in a given month.


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status


Edit Report Settings Options:


Income Handover Report 

  • Income handover for membership usage


Filter Options:

First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status


Edit Report Settings Options:


Client on Membership Report 

  • Displays all clients who have an active membership

  • Can be used when looking to find out which clients have their memberships on auto-renew.  

  • Can be sometimes used to track clients on removed status with active memberships



Client Not on Membership Report 

  • Displays all clients who are not on membership

  • This report also shows the last active package/membership the client has before completing it. It can also show the last package/membership expiry as well as the last payment date of the client and the total billing amount collected from the specific client.  




Membership Details 

  • A detailed list of all active, pending, suspended, canceled, complete, and scheduled memberships or packages with their corresponding names.

  • Can also show the members that have auto-renew activated on their membership by just choosing the filter Auto Renew




Cancellation Report 

  • List of all clients who canceled their membership.

  • Also shows the name of the membership, the date it was sold including the price, the last made payment, the cancellation reason as well as the personnel/staff who processed the cancellation of the membership/package.



Net Revenue Detail Report 

  • A detailed summary of net revenue by transaction

  • Displays the total gross revenue minus the refunds and account credits.



100% Discount Report 

  • List of all transactions with a Net Amount payable of $0.00

  • This report only shows the membership/packages that are discounted up to 100%, meaning the membership/package still has a value and is only discounted.

  • Allocated without payments doesn't apply to this since allocating a membership or a package without payment means it's given out for free.



Membership Expiring 

  • This reports displays all clients who have an active membership that is expiring soon

  • Indicates the name of the specific client/member name with their corresponding email address, the name of the package/membership that is about to expire, and the exact expiration date of the package or membership



Projected Revenue 

  • Calculates and displays the projected future revenue based on recurring memberships

  • Lists clients who have a  payment schedule in the future.



POS History 

  • Historical records of all POS transactions.

  • Can filter by product title (variable name) or product category.

  • Shows POS products that have been sold from the date filter indicated

  • Also shows the specific product details including the product title(variable name), product category, the payment type used to purchase the product, the client who bought the product, discount (if there is any), the total amount paid for, the transaction date, tax included on the product, and the total net sales for that specific product.  



Sales by Services

  • List all sales by the service description

  • Displays the total Gross Revenue (see Net Revenue detail)



In Processing Transactions 

  • Displays all payments that are in processing



Refund History Report 

  • List of all refunds over a filtered date range



Month-to-Month Summary 

  • Month-to-month revenue history



Amount Due 

  • Counts the total unpaid amount due in the filtered date range



Bank Transfers

  • List of all transfers from collected funds to your bank account






Billing History 

  • View total bills / total payments group by client.

  • Use the “Client status is Active” filter to show only current active clients.




Failed Payments 

  • List of all failed payments that are still pending

  • This will only show failed payment transactions that are still pending or not yet paid.    



Failed Payment History 

  • Failed payment history with the current status

  • This report displays all paid payment transactions including the transaction when it was paid.



Discount Report 

  • List of all discounts over a filtered date range

  • This includes when a gift card was used for payment.



Promo Code Usage 

  • History of promotional codes used

  • Shows the client who used a promo code, including the exact date it was used and the code that was used for purchasing which of course still depends on the filtered date indicated on the report. 



Outstanding Payment Requests 

  • Displays all outstanding payment requests 

  • Depending on the filtered date, the report shows the name of the client, the specific invoice date, and the total amount due on the client's account.



Suspended Memberships 

  • Displays all suspended memberships and activated dates

  • Depending on the date filter, this report will show the dates when the suspension started and when the suspension of the membership will end



Session Credits Remaining 

  • Displays the number of credits remaining for all purchased single package

  • This report will show all available credits but only for session packages.

  • The Session Credits Remaining is a report that displays the number of credits remaining for all purchased single packages. All you need to do is input the specific dates to get the details from the days/months you want to get a report and add some filter if you decide want then run the report. Please see the screenshot below for further details.



Revenue Used Report 

  • Displays the number of revenue used for all purchased single packages

  • Shows the Name of the client, Email address, contact/phone number, the package/membership name on the client, the overall credits on the package/membership, the number of credits that have been used, the total cost of the package/membership, and the estimated cost of the used credits on the package. 



Expired Session Credits 

  • List of all unused credits that have expired over a period of time

  • This report shows the specific membership/package that was bought by the client with the credit activation date as well as how many credits were used for that membership/pack and how many credits have expired.

  • The report also shows the Gross Revenue and the Revenue Expired based on the credits that expired. 




Key Performance Report 

  • Key Performance Statistics summarizing business performance across multiple business reporting arms.



Cash Drawer

  • Transactions done from a EFTPOS

  • Cash transactions






  • Used to view and/or edit payroll history will be done via a special dedicated payroll reports



Clients Per Staff

  • Counts the number of sessions each staff member was set as an instructor


Available Filters:


First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status



Session Per Staff 

  • Counts all the clients who have attended sessions by different staff members

  • This report can be used if we want to find out how many clients have attended a session for a specified date range. 


Available Filters:


First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status



Staff Utilization 

  • Utilization summary per session for staff

  • Can be used when we want to know the percentage of how many clients who have attended a specific class for a specific instructor.



Available Filters:


First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Client Status



Payroll Tier Audit 

  • A list of all Payroll Tier assignments

  • This report lists changes made to a Team Members’ payroll tier. 


Available Filters:


First Name

Last Name


Birth Month




Instructor Name




Current Inventory 

  • List of all products and current inventory levels

  • This report will generate all inventory information, including the variable name, Barcode, SKU, and the number of stocks available. 





How can I find a report that shows current members that have not attended/booked into a session?

  • Use the Clients Absent report to generate a list of clients that have not attended any session in a filtered date range


Can you point me to where I can download all class bookings?

  • This can be generated from the Daily Schedule report. 


Is there a report that has names and a breakdown of membership types?

  • Clients on Membership and Membership Details will have this information.


I am looking to pull a list of client milestones - 100 visits, 200 visits, 300, 400, etc.

  • Run the Client Check-in report and filter it to "summary by the client" for a maximum date range of 1 year. Once compiled, combining it into one CSV and aggregating the data will be necessary. 


Is there a report I can run to determine the number of sessions clients have attended in a given date range?

  • Use the Client Check-in report


How do I find a report for our Auto-Renewal?

  • Run the Membership Details Report and filter to Auto Renew is Yes.


I need a report to check clients with recurring payments.

  • We can get this information from the Projected Revenue report.


What is the best report to show cancellations for the month?

  • Run the Cancelled Classes report.


What is the best report to show sign-ups for the month?

  • New Clients report


I'm looking to pull daily reports for new members WITHOUT CREDITS APPLIED.

  • Session Credits Remaining

Is there a way to view a list of clients with unused Account Credit Balances?


Is it possible for you to generate a report based on the joining date from 1 year ago? 

  • Run the All Clients report open Edit Report Settings, and check the join date. 


Is there a way I can view client referrals on each person's account?

  • Run the Referrals report to view client referrals.


A report of all clients that have attended a class but booked through ClassPass?

  • Check-In report > Edit Report Settings > Put a check on Package Name > Download the CSV file then filter out from excel.



What's the best way to find a list of clients with a pending membership?

Scenario: The studio set up a 1/2 off first-month membership that is set to auto-renew to another member at the full price.

Issue: Memberships did not auto-renew, instead showing a pending status in the client’s profile. 

The memberships these clients were set to auto-renew into requires them to sign a new agreement. 

Solution: ZD 41403


Is there a report showing a client’s address?

  • This information can be generated from the Corporate Dashboard


Is there a report that tells me a staff member's average client per session average for a date range.

  • There’s no specific report in Core that will display this data. As a work around, we can use the Staff utilization report. 

In Core;

  1. Run the Staff Utilization report. [Report Categories > Staff > Staff Utilization]

  2. Select a date range, (ex. 1 Week), click Apply Dates Filter, then download as a CSV file. See image below.


In Excel;

  1. Open the csv file.

  2. Filter the data

  3. In a blank cell, type the formula =SUBTOTAL(1,G2:G120), where G is the column for Total Attendees.

  4. Select the Staff Member to show the average client per session. 


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