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Home > Client Management > SOAP Session Notes
SOAP Session Notes
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Use Scenario

SOAP Notes offer a standardized format for taking and tracking notes for integrated health and fitness services. Notes are generally grouped under four main headers:

  • Subjective - the reason the client is visiting and the opportunities they feel are relevant.
  • Objective - the measurable observations about the client (e.g., weight, vital signs, diagnostic test results, etc.).
  • Assessment - Service provider's interpretation of the subjective and objective information.
  • Plan - the details and steps that are to be done to remedy the issues.

SOAP Notes allow you to take notes and track progress in a standardized format for every client. Each note will be linked to a private booking, Service professionals and team members may add and review them from the Schedule and the client record based on Team Settings and permissions. 


Instructions for use

Before you Start

  • SOAP notes, once enable, are only available for 1 on 1 private sessions and bookings. As such no sessions, classes or workshops with a capacity above 1 will have the SOAP Notes feature.
  • Based on user’s Team Settings and permissions they will be able to Create, edit, duplicate or just view the SOAP notes
  • Only one note will be displayed per session/ private appointment.
  • All notes will contain the Session details like name, date, time, Instructor’s name and who last created or edited the notes.
  • SOAP notes can be viewed from the Schedule. Session Details screen as well in the Client’s record in the SOAP Notes tab.
  • Take caution in cutting and pasting notes from Microsoft Word or other editors as special characters are embedded and therefore the notes may not translate to the more simplified editor used for Soap Notes.


Configuring SOAP Notes for your location.

User shall navigate to Account Setting > Configuration > Business Profile. Find Enable SOAP Session Notes feature toggle and flip from Disable (default) to Enable.


You will now need to review and configure Team Access Settings and provide permissions to your staff members and fitness professionals. Navigate to Team Settings > Team Access Group > Schedule tab.

Toggle ON the Allow view of SOAP Session Notes setting for only those staff that need access to VIEW SOAP notes but not edit.

Toggle ON as well Allow/Edit of SOAP Session Notes for those who will need to create, edit and duplicate SOAP notes. This is likely to be just your Fitness and Service professional who are taking the notes during their sessions. *Note: You cannot toggle ON Allow Edit without first also Toggling ON Allow View

Repeat these steps for all Access Groups that require View or View and Edit. Do not forget your Team members with a Custom Access setting as these will need adjusted individually on the Team members record.


Creating a SOAP Session Note

  1. Team members with permissions can now create or duplicate a SOAP Note directly in the Schedule > Create or select an existing Private Session > Detail screen. Look for the new row below the Client Name information labelled. Session/ SOAP Notes:

  2. Click on the Plus sign to ADD a new SOAP Note to this Session.
  3. Users can now add their notes to the pre-existing text headers or overwrite the SOAP headers entirely. Simply <shift> Return at the end of each line and add in your own information:
  4. Click the Save or Cancel button on the upper right as required to Save the note or instead dismiss the creation of this SOAP Note.
  5. Once the note is Saved it will appear for those with View Access as this:mceclip6.png

Duplicating a previous SOAP Note

  1. Users may also click the Duplicate button and select from any past Session Note saved on the Client’s record and have those notes copied into this SOAP note. Advantages of this is to allow an easy continuance of previous notes and goals from session to session without requiring a full rewriting of your progress.
  2. Once the note is Saved it will appear for those with View Access as this:

Viewing SOAP Session Notes in the Client Record

  1. SOAP Session notes will have a distinct icon for access within the Client record. We have separated them from the current Notes section based on location configuration and permission access restrictions
  2. SOAP Session notes will be listed chronologically in this section with the latest note at the very top. Note will have an arrow to expand the note for review, but also Is click able to expand the note for reading.
  3. If you have the Edit permissions, then you will see an Edit and Delete icon for each note.
  4. One additional efficiency feature is the Session Description is a blue hyper link, click it and you will be taken to the Detail Page for that event.

Cancelling and rescheduling appointments with a SOAP note

  1. When an appointment with a SOAP note is cancelled, the note will be deleted and the note will no longer appear in the client’s SOAP Notes History.
  2. When an appointment with a SOAP note is rescheduled, the note will remain attached to the appointment if:
  • the new appointment is the same session type, and
  • the new appointment is with the same instructor

If either of these are not met, the note will be deleted once the appointment is rescheduled.

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