Feb 01, 2024
Resetting Password
Business Reset:
- Go to the Client Tab in the Home Dashboard
- Search the client’s record
- Select the 'briefcase' icon on the far right to reset the client’s password
- Select ‘Reset & Save’ button
Note: This will automatically send the client an email with their new password. The business can also send the client the new password directly and request them to login again. This password can be changed by the client once they have re-entered their account.
Client Reset:
- Access the Hapana login page at www.hapana.com/login
- Select “Reset Password”
- Client will receive a new password via their email address to login with
Updating a Client’s Credit Card Details
Business Side:
- Go to the Client Tab in the Home Dashboard
- Search the desired client
- Select the desired client
- Select the orange 'credit card' icon next to the client’s name
- Select ‘Change’
- Update and save
Client Side:
- Client logs into the app
- Access the Dashboard via the navigation menu
- Select ‘Profile’ in the bottom menu bar
- Select ‘Update Card’ at the bottom of the Profile page
- Update card and save